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An A-peeling Celebration of the Fulton Banana Trade

FULTON, Ky. - The 52nd annual Banana Festival, featuring a parade that ends with a one-ton tub of banana pudding, was conducted the week of Sept. 13 in Fulton, Kentucky, as a celebration of the booming the banana trade, which revolutionized the small community.

“The crowd is energetic, the turnout is great, and the kids are having a blast.” local business owner Lisa Terry said. Terry has lived in Fulton all of her life.

The Banana Festival celebrates Fulton’s contribution to the banana trade in 1880, when more than 70 percent of bananas consumed in the United States passed through Fulton.

In the late 1860s, refrigerated train carts were used to transport tropical fruits to the northern United States year round instead of only seasonal since northern climates would not support growth of tropical fruits. The refrigerated carts consisted of 162 pound blocks of ice in which the bananas would be placed on top of.

The Fulton Ice Plant, now closed, was responsible for re-icing the bananas on their journey; making Fulton “The Banana Capital of the World”.

As a small, rural town just north of the Tennessee and Kentucky boarder, the banana festival is foreign to many Americans. The events last a week with multiple activities for families and participants to enjoy.

The festival ends with Grand Finale Parade, which features a one-ton banana pudding that travels via float through the town square and is distributed to hungry festival attendees.

“It’s been going on since 1962… Long before you were born.” local resident Walter Pirtle said.

Events include the Store Front Decoration Contest, the Banana Car Show, and the Banana Beauty Pageant for Fulton pre-teens and teens.

“Every year is not the same, you know.” Pirtle said in reference to his lime green candy-painted 1200 custom Harley Davidson motorcycle. “This year they allowed bikes in the car show, and I was able to show my prized possession in the contest.”

The car show featured every type of vehicle from hot rods to jacked-up truck. Pirtle took home second place in the Banana Car, Truck, Bike, and Tractor Show.

“Every year I help C&K’s catering with this event.” the cook of popular food vendors C&K’s, James Austin said. “I travel with them from Memphis, Tennessee and volunteer to serving the residents of Fulton during this event.”

C&K’s has been serving at the Banana Festival since 1963 making it the longest serving food vendors in Banana Festival history. C&K’s serves everything banana-made a person could possibly think of such as cookies, cakes and pies. In addition, C&K’s serves hot-off-the-grill favorites such as hamburgers, hotdogs, and shish kebabs.

The line of 20 or more, hungry customers showed that C&K’s is highly respected and loved in Fulton.

“The banana festival has always been my favorite celebration, coming from a tightly knit community, this gives everyone an opportunity to come together as a family and just have fun… who doesn’t love good ol’ banana pudding after a parade?” Terry said. Terry’s business won the Store Front Decoration Contest.

Terry said more than 1500 people were in attendance. “We had a blast this celebration.” Ashlee Amerson, 17 year-old beauty pageant contestant, said while taking a mouthful of the Grand Parade’s banana pudding. “I can’t wait until next year.” SB

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