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POM Team Captain Does More Than Just Dance for The U of M

Migrating to Memphis, Nashville native Sierra Peterson is conquering the role of University of Memphis’s number one fan as the captain of the school’s POM dance team.

Standing five foot two inches with long blonde hair and a charismatic smile, Peterson lights up like flame when she explains why the University of Memphis has become her second home.

“Being captain of the POM team is like being an ambassador of the University of Memphis,” Peterson said. “It is my number one priority. Eyes are on us at all times, both on and off of performances.”

Peterson is a senior this year, double majoring in marketing and psychology and minoring in Spanish. In addition to POM, Peterson was a Miss University of Memphis finalist, a member of Memphis Tiger’s 3.0 Club, on the Student Athlete Advisory Committee, a cabinet member of the Student Government Association, a publicity chair member on the National Society of Leadership and Success Association, an active sister in the Phi Mu Sorority and a member of the Emerging Leaders Program.

Balancing POM, who preforms at University of Memphis’s football, men’s and women’s basketball, and baseball games, schoolwork, and being an active member on so many on-campus groups is not always easy. Peterson considers POM her job.

“The football team has had such success this season.” Peterson said. “Every Saturday I wake up ready to rally at Tiger Lane, meet the fans, and perform at half-time during the game. Being on the front-line of all that action is so rewarding.”

With rewarding feelings comes dedicating hard-work, POM practices are held every Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday for four hours each. Workouts are at 6 o’clock am every Tuesday and Thursday, and game day falls on every Saturday.

“She is down-right dedicated.’ Joe Arkansas, POM trainer said about Peterson. “She is always at practice, and ready to help her teammates whenever needed. The coach chose her because she has grown into such a leader since she first joined POM four years ago.”

Though POM hours are demanding Peterson is still able to manage six classes this semester, such as Organization and Management, an upper level marketing course, and Abnormal Psych, which is one of her favorite classes because it focuses on real-life concepts of human psychology.

Peterson’s membership of the Phi Mu Sorority, whose creed honors God, the charity and goodwill of others, and purity through thoughts and deeds, is another example of what makes this student a Tiger.

“Sierra is dedicated to everything she does.” Stephanie Pierce, philanthropy chair of Phi Mu said. “She is so focused on POM, but is always willing to help with philanthropy. It is awesome to see her and other Phi Mu be hands-on in our community service projects.”

Peterson uses what spare time she does have to volunteer with organizations in the community such as ECOP, an economic opportunity outreach program that gives individuals who were incarcerated the motivation and second chance to find employment, and Le Bonheur Children’s

Hospital, where Peterson and her Phi Mu sisters go once a week and spend time with the children there by doing arts and crafts or playing Wii games.

“I am proud of my accomplishments and even more proud of my school.” Peterson said. “Though I plan to graduate December 2016, I will forever be a Memphis Tiger. Go Tigers Go!” SB

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